• Om Swastyastu, Selamat Datang di Website Resmi Desa Nyuhtebel, Kecamatan Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem
Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025

Lambang Desa Nyuhtebel

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  1. Bingkai berbentuk segi lima melambangkan Pancasila sebagai Dasar Negara, sebagai dasar masyarakat Desa Nyuhtebel mengemban darma negara.
  2. Warna dasar Ungu: melambangkan suasana desa yang penuh hasrat untuk membangun desa,
  3. Gunung dua buah: melambangkan topografi desa yang diapit oleh dua buah bukit di Timur dan Barat desa,
  4. Pura posisinya di tengah-tengah: melambangkan tempat pemujaan Tuhan, dan tempat bersatunya warga Nyuhtebel secara sosioreligius dalam mengemban tugas darma agama,
  5. Tangga/undagan tiga tingkat di dasar pura : melambangkan Tri Hita Karana sebagai landasan operasional pembangunan Desa Nyuhtebel,
  6. Tunas Kelapa: melambangkan tanaman unggulan desa yang telah diwariskan secara turun temurun dengan semangat pelestarian plasma bagi generasi penerus,
  7. Padi dan Kapas: melambangkan kemakmuran sandang dan pangan dalam satu ikatan kebersamaan,
  8. Padi berjumlah 25 (dua puluh lima) butir, Daun Tunas Kelapa berjumlah 6 (enam) helai, Kapas berjumlah 9 (sembilan) lembar melambangkan hari jadi Desa Nyuhtebel tanggal 25 Juni 1999,
  9. Tulisan Bhineka Eka Mandala: sebuah motto yang menggambarkan keanekaragaman warga masyarakat Desa Nyuhtebel bersatu menjalani hidup dan kehidupan dalam satu wilayah desa (mandala).

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The Director runs the day to day management of Turn Up which requires them to hold a very high and solid understanding coupled with many years of experience to run the business and operational objectives needed to ensure the greatest potential for success for all of Bali expat’s legal needs Best and Recommended Visa Consultant in Bali Indonesia.

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We have created a structure that provides solid communication through every step of the process. We provide the time together with a strong plan and a focused team that works towards goals and deadlines to maximize your satisfaction and success.

We give you the Best Trusted Solution and Service by providing operational excellence, service leadership and customer confidentiality.

Turn Up demonstrates our alliance with all of our existing clients by our consistently progressive commitment to customer service. This customer support infrastructure enables us to offer our clients complete satisfaction and excellence of service, which exceeds client expectation while maintaining a cost pro-active attitude of care within our own organization Best and Recommended Visa Consultant in Bali Indonesia.

At Turn Up we ensure that our clients are kept up to date and informed on the progress and of any regulation changes at all times. We respond to each individual’s needs from application to completion.