• Om Swastyastu, Selamat Datang di Website Resmi Desa Nyuhtebel, Kecamatan Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem
Selasa Pahing 7 Maret 2023 17:23:38


 01 Maret 2023   


Untuk merealisir salah satu misi Perbekel Nyuhtebel, pada hari Rabu tanggal 1 Maret 2023 bertempat di Banjar Dinas Tauman, Pemerintah Desa Nyuhtebel Bersama Mahasiswa KKN UNUD telah melakukan pemasangan nomor rumah warga yang dimulai tepat pukul 09.00 wita dan berakhir pukul 12.00 Wita. Pemasangan nomor akan dilanjutkan di Banjar Tengah dan Banjar Karanganyar.

Menurut Perbekel Desa Nyuhtebel Drs I Ketut Suadnya, MM mengatakan penomoran, nama jalan, nama gang, lokasi banjar, desa sangatlah penting bagi penghuni rumah untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang baik dan tertata rapi disamping membantu pendataan warga. Nomor rumah selalu ekslusif untuk satu rumah. Manfaat dan fungsinya sebagai media korespoden/ surat – menyurat, menentukan lokasi, identitas penghuni, dan agar mempermudah tidak membingungkan orang lain mencari alamat. Apalagi di era digital banyak kebutuhan/  transaksi dilakukan secara online                ( COD ) sehingga mempermudah apabila ada kiriman barang atau dokumen penting yang dialamatkan ke penghuni rumah bisa dengan tepat sampat ditujuan. 

Apresiasi atas pemasangan nomor rumah mendapat sambutan yang sangat positif dari Kelian Adat Banjar Tauman I Wayan Sukadana, S.Sos yang melihat langsung pemasangan tersebut. Demikian juga warga sangat berterima kasih dengan pemasangan nomor rumah dimaksud, karena pihak pengirim barang bisa langsung  ke rumah apabila melakukan transaksi melalui COD, tidak lagi harus mencari di Balai Masyarakat, semoga bermanfaat ( ks )


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The Director runs the day to day management of Turn Up which requires them to hold a very high and solid understanding coupled with many years of experience to run the business and operational objectives needed to ensure the greatest potential for success for all of Bali expat’s legal needs Best and Recommended Visa Consultant in Bali Indonesia.

With this experience and understanding in mind, they have built a strong team with broad and very focused skill sets to accomplish the best possible outcomes for expatriates, living, working, investing, building a business or even marrying in Bali Best and Recommended Visa Consultant in Bali Indonesia.

We have created a structure that provides solid communication through every step of the process. We provide the time together with a strong plan and a focused team that works towards goals and deadlines to maximize your satisfaction and success.

We give you the Best Trusted Solution and Service by providing operational excellence, service leadership and customer confidentiality.

Turn Up demonstrates our alliance with all of our existing clients by our consistently progressive commitment to customer service. This customer support infrastructure enables us to offer our clients complete satisfaction and excellence of service, which exceeds client expectation while maintaining a cost pro-active attitude of care within our own organization Best and Recommended Visa Consultant in Bali Indonesia.

At Turn Up we ensure that our clients are kept up to date and informed on the progress and of any regulation changes at all times. We respond to each individual’s needs from application to completion.